Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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What Does a Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis Do?

Some people know that financial planning and analysis is important for companies to run smoothly and for them to avoid financial snags in their operation. These financial plans and the analysis of these plans are often spearheaded by the person known as the manager of financial planning and analysis. A manager of financial planning and analysis has quite a number of responsibilities and these responsibilities are the reasons why a person in this position has to be very capable of doing the job well.

The person that is placed in this position reports to the CFO or Chief Financial Officer of the company and he is tasked to do a few things that pertain to the company's finances. One of the responsibilities of a manager of financial planning and analysis is to monitor the budgeting process of the company. Along with this comes the responsibility of forecasting certain financial concerns that the company may have, like the revenues and expenditures for the coming year. They are also given the task of creating reports and analysis of the previous year's budget and expenditures as well as the possible losses they may have incurred and what may have caused them. Since the manager of financial planning and analysis is answerable to the CFO, he basically follows the dictates of his superior. He may have to do an analysis of business trends that may affect the company as well as an analysis of other budgetary concerns within the same company. He is also taxed with updating and teaching finance officers underneath him by providing training and teaching these people techniques that he may know when it comes to financial concerns.

Not everybody is qualified to become a manager of financial planning and analysis and companies who require a person to fill this position often ask that certain prerequisites be met before a person is even considered for such an important position. Among the qualifications that a person must have to be able to become a manager of financial planning and analysis for a company is a Bachelor's Degree in Finance or in Accounting, and he must also have experience in a similar capacity for at least a few years. He must have sufficient knowledge of advanced accounting techniques as well as strong leadership qualities, management skills and analytic thinking. These are but a few of the qualities companies look for in a manager of financial planning and analysis. Knowledge of some analysis techniques and financial concepts along with strong computer knowledge can also help a person in this position handle everything he needs to accomplish in this job.

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What are Payroll Taxes?

Are you starting your own business? Good for you if that’s the case. It’s really hard to start a business and it takes a lot of initiative and a lot of money. The next thing you need to do is learn a lot about what it takes to actually run that business. You must be wondering what are payroll taxes. Well, it’s good that you wonder since this is a really important aspect of running a successful and law abiding business.

The first thing that you need to know about what are payroll taxes is that they only apply to some companies. If you plan to have a sole proprietorship and are not going to hire any employees, then you won’t be dealing with payroll taxes. If you plan on having anyone work for you, whether it is one person or one hundred, this is when you definitely have to deal with payroll taxes.

Another thing you should know about what are payroll taxes is that you will be paying some of them yourself. Or at least, your company is. Most of the taxes that need to be paid will come straight out of your employees’ paycheck. This is done by you and is called ‘withholding.’ You keep a certain amount of their pay, which you write down on their check, and keep it in a fund. Still, your company will pay some of it as well.

The portion you will pay is called FICA. This is both the social security tax and the Medicare tax. You are responsible for paying half of it and your employee is responsible for paying the other half. The amount of this is set at 7.65% for each of you. 6.2% of it goes to social security and 1.45% goes to Medicare. If you wonder about what are payroll taxes, this is the essence of that question.

It is really important that you figure out what are payroll taxes before you hire anyone. Although it is helpful to know the barebones of what it’s about, you should still learn more. This is especially the case when you have your own small business as you will need to handle a lot of the aspects by yourself.

You can learn more about payroll taxes and how they affect your business by getting books on the subject. There are plenty of books like this in the business section of most bookstores and libraries. There are also classes that you can take that will go into even greater detail so that you have the best education for the subject.


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Abington Bancorp, Inc. Announces Record Net Income for the Third ... -

Wed, 31 Oct 2007 20:53:32 GMT


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Our loan portfolio at September 30, 2007 included an aggregate of $5.0 million of non-accrual, impaired commercial real estate and construction loans to two ...
Clifton Savings Bancorp, Inc. Announces 2nd Quarter Results Business Wire (press release)
Ameriana Bancorp Reports Third Quarter Earnings Business Wire (press release)
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A Quick Overview of Honda Financial Services Online

Computers have become an important part of most individuals' financial management strategies, and Honda financial services offer a wide variety of online tools to help prospective and current Honda owners. The convenient, easy to use and navigate online site for Honda financial services allows consumers to check their account, compare prices and payments and even customize a lease or purchase based on their own financial needs and abilities.

Honda financial services offers a section of their website for prospective owners on financial planning when purchasing or leasing a car. Since a car, truck or SUV is usually the second largest investment after a house, it is important to spend some time considering what the best possible option may be. Many people are now choosing to lease rather than purchase and the Honda financial services website lists the various benefits and drawbacks to both purchase and leasing for prospective customers to consider.

Besides just information on buying and leasing the Honda financial services website also provides information on special offers that are available. These special offers may be on new or used certified Honda vehicles and are typically available through all Honda dealers. Doing a bit of research on the various rebates, incentives, discounts and financing incentives for both purchase and leasing will help consumers when talking to the deal and negotiating either their lease agreement or purchase contract. Often these special offers from Honda financial services include special APR financing on special models or years of vehicles either as new vehicles or as certified Honda used vehicles. Some of the lease special offers include lower due at signing amounts as well as increased mileage allowances for the same cost. Using the website to access special deals may also help you determine which vehicle you are interested in, especially if you are considering just a few models, one which may have additional purchase or leasing incentives.

The planning tools section of the Honda financial services websites gives consumers the option to consider different arrangements for payment and how they will affect the monthly payment of either leasing or buying. This can include the value of a trade-in, increasing or decreasing monthly payments as well as adjusting the time frame over which the lease or purchase will be. This can be a very valuable tool for budgeting, especially if you have a very specific monthly payment that you can make. Using the planning tools provided by Honda financial services will also allow you to narrow down your vehicle search options by helping you determine which types of Honda new and pre-owned vehicles fit your budget requirements.


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Personal Liability for Corporate Payroll Taxes in Iowa

When you have your own company, there are a lot of things that you need to handle in order to ensure that you are running things in a legal manner. It’s surprising how many things there is that you need to know. If it’s a corporation that you own, you can put a lot of this knowledge for your employees to worry about so that you can concentrate on other things. You need to make sure that they are doing things right or it could cost you a lot of money.

One of the big concerns for companies is the personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa. If you run your business in this state, then you should learn all of the things that can affect how it is that you run your business in the first place.

Each state has different rules for the businesses that call those states home. Because of this, some companies choose certain states to do business in just because of this reason. Although Iowa is a popular state for this, you should still learn about what they expect from the businesses that work there. If personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa is an important issue to you, then it’s advised to figure out everything about it before you choose to have your business there. If you already do, it’s still good to learn as much as you can.

There are several ways that you can learn about the law regarding personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa. One of the better ways is to contact an accountant that specializes in corporate accounting. They will be able to tell you everything that you need to know about personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa. You will not only be able to use them for this purpose, but you will likely need one or more accountants anyway since most corporations are really large. Big corporations have a lot more accounting to do than smaller companies, so accountants are imperative in these situations.

Another way you can learn about the personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa is to contact the lawmakers in your area. They should be able to explain the subject to you and let you know what you need and what to avoid as a company.

Once you figure out what the personal liability for corporate payroll taxes in Iowa is, then you will be able to run your company better. It’s best to know these things so that you know what to expect if something goes wrong.


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Sinclair Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:30:00 GMT
Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. , the "Company" or "Sinclair," today reported financial results for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2007.



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Where Your Payroll Payroll Taxes are Going

Have you ever wondered why all that money is being taken out of your paycheck? After all, you work hard for what you earn and you end up losing quite a bit of it to taxes. If you are curious about this, then you should learn about payroll payroll taxes. You will be able to better understand what gets taken out of your check and why it gets taken out in the first place. There are many reasons for this and it will help you greatly if you learn why.

There are many different kinds of payroll payroll taxes. For instance, federal taxes are taken out of each of your paychecks from your employer. This money isn’t going straight to the government, but is first going to your employer. This money is then sent to the government as a lump sum at the end of the year.

How much federal taxes are taken out depends on several different factors. It depends on whether you have dependants or if you are married. It also depends on how much money you make. These payroll payroll taxes then go to the government to help with the national deficit and other aspects of the government.

Depending on the state that you work in, there are also state taxes. These are very similar to the federal taxes except they go to your state rather than to the general federal government. These payroll payroll taxes are pretty straightforward.

The last thing that gets taken out of your paycheck is the FICA payroll payroll taxes. These are the social security and Medicare taxes. These are taxes that can directly help you. For example, social security is a retirement fund that you receive when you get older. Medicare is a health program for people who don’t make a lot of money. These are good things that your money can go to.

The main thing that makes FICA taxes different from the others is that it is a set percentage that gets taken out of your check. The social security tax is 6.2% and the Medicare tax is 1.45%. Not only that, but your employer must match what you pay as well. This particular tax is a joint venture with you and your employer. You each pay the total 7.65% each.

Now that you know why and what for the taxes are being taken out of your paycheck, you might feel a lot better about it. These are required and you have to pay them, but it’s often better to at least know why it has to happen and where the money goes.


Paying New Jersey Payroll Taxes

If you live in New Jersey, you will be withholding different payroll taxes than if you were having employees that worked in another state like Maine or Georgia. Although the FICA and federal taxes will be the same, the state taxes won’t be. They vary from state to state and depend on a lot of different factors. If you run your business out of New Jersey, then you will need to know about the New Jersey payroll taxes so that you know how much to withhold from your employee’s pay.

It’s very important to take the right amount of money out of an employee’s paycheck for New Jersey payroll taxes. The main reason that this is the case is because you could get in a lot of trouble with the United States government. The Internal Revenue Service, who is also called the IRS for short, is in charge of the taxes that come in and out of the government during tax time. if they notice that you did something wrong, they will let you know by arresting you or charging your company a lot of money in fees. This is serious business, so you should make sure that you are handling your New Jersey payroll taxes right.

If you want to know more about the New Jersey payroll taxes that you’ll need to withhold from your employees, there are several ways to go about this. If you have the money and your corporation is big enough, you should get the help of an accountant and a corporate lawyer. Both of these professionals will know all about the subject and will be able to make sure that you do everything right.

Most companies won’t be able to afford something like that. If you have a small company, you can still find out about New Jersey payroll taxes on your own. There are several books on the subject that you can find at your local libraries. Most libraries carry information on local taxes and often have the forms that go with them. If you are confused, you can ask the librarian for help, too.

Whether you go with a lawyer or with a book, it is still important to find out about these payroll taxes. If you can help it, you should learn all about them before you ever hire anyone. That’s the easiest way to avoid any trouble. If that’s not a possibility, it is still better late than never. Then you can avoid coming into any legal troubles over not knowing enough about New Jersey payroll taxes.


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Old Line Bancshares, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results (PrimeNewswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:19:44 GMT
BOWIE, Md., Oct. 30, 2007 -- James W. Cornelsen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Old Line Bancshares, Inc. , the parent company of Old Line Bank, reported that net income was $328,539 or $0.08 per basic and diluted common share for the three month period ending September 30, 2007, compared to $416,624 or $0.10 per basic and diluted common share for the same period in 2006.

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Florida real estate taxes

Florida real estate taxes sometimes cause a lot of people a lot of concern and a lot of stress. This is because Florida real estate taxes can be very confusing for several reasons. First of all, it is important that you figure out what type of property you have and what is zoned as, as well as what is used for. Then, you have to figure out what types of property you have and what taxes you are paying that are Florida real estate taxes as well as taxes that are national taxes and taxes that are local taxes. These are all important factors, and you have to be sure that you are able to know all of these things so that you can make your taxes understandable and that they are going to be the best for you to use.

First of all, you really have to know the properties that you are paying for. There are several parts to this; because you have to be sure that you know what the properties are zoned as, and also what they are used for. These two factors are going to help you decide what type of Florida real estate taxes that you have to pay, and also how much you’ll have to pay for your Florida real estate taxes. You are going to want to be sure that the Florida real estate taxes that you are paying are really going to be the right ones and that you aren’t paying too much because you’ll lose money. You also have to be sure that you aren’t paying too little, because then you will get in trouble with the government, and this is not something that you want to be doing.

Another thing that you have to figure out is exactly what parts of your Florida real estate taxes are local and what part is national. These are very important questions that you might not have thought of, because when it comes down to it, you have to make sure that you are paying your taxes at the right level, and that you are paying the taxes that are due at the right times. Because all of the Florida real estate taxes are going to come from different areas, it means that you are going to have to pay attention as to what taxes you are paying and where they are coming from so that you know you are paying your taxes correctly. These are all important parts of figuring out your Florida real estate taxes.
