Tuesday, October 09, 2007

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Buying A Home With American Financial Services

Based in California, American Financial Services specializes in helping home buyers find a home that is affordable and within their price range for monthly payments. They also offer commercial loans for businesses, home equity loans, and refinance options for home owners. Since the company is based in California and services the California market they are able to stay up to date with all real estate and financial laws and regulations that apply to new home purchases, refinancing and home equity loans within the state.

American Financial Services offers an easy to use online loan application form for prospective home owners. This allows new or existing home owners to find out what amount they can be pre-approved for in a loan and what price range of home is reasonable given their financial makeup at the time. There is no cost for this loan application through American Financial Services and information provided by the applicant is secure and safe. Typically after applying for a loan a representative from American Financial Services will call and speak directly to you within one to two business days, clarifying any questions they may have and then providing the information on the new home loan.

The website of American Financial Services offers a very thorough description of the difference between fixed rate home loans and adjustable rate loans. The site points out the potential drawbacks to each type of loan as well as the benefits and reasons to choose or not choose the particular type of loan. Further information can also be provided by an in person consultation with an American Financial Services loans officer. There is no charge for this consultation and the service can help clarify any other questions that the home buyer may have.

For those home owners that are requiring a bit of extra cash for home improvements, to purchase another home as an investment or just to take a vacation, a home equity loan from American Financial Services may be just the answer. Home equity loans use the equity or value that you have built up in your home as a secured loan, ensuring that you get a lower interest rate and more flexibility in the loan than you would through many other financial institutes. As with the home buying loan a simple, online application is all that you need to get started.

Refinancing for current home owners is also offered through American Financial Services. Refinancing can be used to reduce interest rates based on market conditions or to help to reduce a monthly mortgage payment after you have paid a preset time on your existing mortgage.

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B2B Financial Services – Business To Business

B2B financial services, better known outside the industry as business to business financial services offers a wide range of services between businesses including e-commerce, e-checks, electronic payment processing and handling of bad or NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks.

B2B financial services are a type of service that must supply cash on demand to a variety of business or businesses and consumer throughout a marketplace. This marketplace may the internet for e-commerce and e-checks, but it may also be through ATM's (automated teller machines) currency converts and other cash disbursement facilities in airports, hotels, major cities and all types of stores, banks and shopping facilities. B2B financial services are considered to be very specialized types of services that require additional security for online transaction as well as a way to track fraud and theft effectively and efficiency in today's global and online economy. Since it is no longer acceptable to wait several days for an international confirmation in most business settings, electronic transfers of funds through e-checks or online credit card processing is becoming more and more essential in business.

One of the many options that B2B financial services can offer an existing or new online or physical business or retail outlet is the ability to actually convert e-checks into cash that is deposited into a secure account on a daily basis. Since may consumers are becoming more and more hesitant about placing their credit card information online, e-checks are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. B2B financial services typically use companies such as VeriSign, NACHA and ICheckOnline to provide secure and safe banking for both the business as well as the customer. For businesses working together it is possible to set up direct accounts that are handled slightly different that a consumer to business account.

Since internet shopping, especially over the holiday season continues to grow at a rate of about 40 million dollar per year, the demand for secure, safe B2B financial services will also continue to grow. Many of these services will offer both financial services for online business as well as the ability to help to build websites that can offer a variety of payment methods including the e-checks and more traditional credit card e-commerce websites. In addition many of the B2B financial services will also help with automatic follow up and redeposit of NSF electronic checks as well as all required methods of collection of outstanding debts on bad checks. With this level of security as well as service more and more companies are moving away from only accepting e-commerce through credit cards and are becoming more involved in using e-checks as part of the payment options on their websites.

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Warehouse expansion could bring 25 new jobs - Star Newspapers

Sun, 07 Oct 2007 09:08:21 GMT

Warehouse expansion could bring 25 new jobs
Star Newspapers, IL - Oct 7, 2007
The city council Monday approved a Class 8 tax incentive abatement for property at 1232 McKinley St. Homewood-based Simborg Industrial Real Estate plans to ...